YAY! This is my birthday week and those of you that know me even just a little will know that I LOVE to celebrate my birthday (which, just for those who like to be in the know it is … wait for it… July 29th – feel free to celebrate me on that day!!).
I believe in celebration and I believe in honouring an individual, so celebrating birthdays is a sweet spot for me. My birthday, other’s birthdays, it’s all worthy of celebration in my books!
We don’t do celebration well enough in our society. If we celebrate ourselves, we’re told that we’re proud or boastful. Why isn’t there room to trumpet from the rooftops that we’re glad we have this body, this life and this experience?
I for one want more celebration!
Part of what got me there is that my mother did such a great job of celebrating us kids on our birthdays in such a robust way. As an adult, I use my birthday as an excuse to get wonderful people together. In years past I’ve taken a boat into the harbour to watch the fireworks or I’ve asked friends to record video messages for me that I could watch and re-watch through the year. This year, friends and I are headed to Bard on the Beach followed by watching the fireworks (both fantastic summer events held every year in Vancouver!)
I’d be so disappointed if no one celebrated me on my birthday so by being explicit about what I want (most often, quality time together!), I’m setting friends and family up for success.
As most of you know, my father died this year and while I’m still devastated (we just had his memorial a couple of weeks ago), I’ve noticed something new. While I’ve always really honoured the day/anniversary of someone’s death, it has just occurred to me that the day they leave this world is their birthday when they enter the next. Right now, that is feeling pretty sweet.
So celebrate, plain and simple. Celebrate, honour and cherish those that are in your life, whether they are here or have passed. This life is a unique experience and it is so worthy of celebration!
Okay over to you:
What are some ways that you or others celebrate your birthday? Throw your ideas into the pot!