It is a new day and new week (and almost a new month) – and new world. I have just come off of what I think will be my last insane work marathon – now stepping into a different way of doing my life. I was hoping and expecting it would be a feeling of relief, euphoria and spaciousness. Instead I am experiencing a touch of anxiety – like a “Now what?”.
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Category Archives: Daring Greatly
Loneliness is my Friend
There are days, after a long (or even very long) week of work that when I am finally done with the hustle and bustle and busy and overwhelmed that instead of collapsing into a beautiful fallow period of space with gratitude I feel achingly lonely. Lonely to the point of all I want to do is call a dozen people and see what they are up to, so that I can hang with them and not have to feel that feeling. Lonely. I even feel a bit ashamed as I write it. Feeling lonely must mean I am alone, being alone must mean that I am unworthy of having someone around me. It stops me in my tracks.
It is a sneaky insidious place for me, this lonely ache, because calling a bunch of people, and it is not like I don’t have a lot to choose from, and doing anything with anyone does not relieve the feeling. Sometimes it just makes it worse. And why might that be, you ask (or at least the coach in me hopes that you ask)?
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Last Day – First Day
As the world transitioned from April to May I made a much bigger transition. I went from my last day as an employee (granted only 3 days a week) in a J-O-B to being a fully self-employed consultant/coach/life changer/magic maker. And boy it feels good. Not that it will always feel good, necessarily, and I am painfully aware of the challenges and pit falls of being self-employed (not least of which is the always hustling feeling and the loneliness), but today, on May 1st, my first day driving this new course, it feels mighty freeing.
Yesterday was a different story. I was frantic, disassociated, spacy, overwhelmed – all, as I tried to get through the mountain of pieces that I needed to close up in order to move on. Now I didn’t get them all closed up (and thank goodness I have such a fantastic – now former – employer and boss that I am able to take the time to close out properly), and some might say because of that I don’t get to fully move on, but I don’t mind the slow transition. And I can feel the change in me: change of perspective, change of focus and change of direction. This is new.
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Gratitude Sunday
It’s Gratitude Sunday! What are you grateful for this Sunday? Here’s my list…
To see more about what Gratitude Sunday is, check out my original blog post. If you’d like to see more of my past Gratitude Sundays, you can see Thanksgiving Gratitude Sunday, October 14th, October 21st, and October 28th.
What I’m Learning – Daring Greatly Week 1
As part of my Brene Brown Daring Greatly Read Along book discussion group… I will be regularly blogging about what I am learning, how I am stretching, what I am experimenting with, where I am falling, how I am picking myself back up, etc. Both because it is good for me… to expose my vulnerability, but also because it supports opening up a forum (for the participants of the book discussion group, or anyone!!) for dialogue about this powerful subject… so here goes.
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Daring Greatly Together
I have been diving into Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly! Amazing stuff, as always. And what I notice is that I want to talk about it, not just read it and listen to her wisdom from her blog “read along”, but really TALK about it. Exchange stories, look deeper at the places the effect and move me, excavate how it applies to my life – that sort of thing. But to do that I need people to do that with. That’s where YOU come in.
WANTED: people who feel the same way, who want to put together a book club of sorts where we meet by phone (if there are those of us in the same city we could meet in person and call in others if that lands more) about once a week. I think it would be very fun! We could come up with little take away assignments (what can I say, I am a coach at my core) for between the calls, blog our findings (or not, if that is not your thing), etc. Really we can design it any way we want.
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