In the famous words of Walt Disney …“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” So doing is exactly what I did! Let me share my latest creation – a beautiful deck of daily inspiration at your fingertips.
Category Archives: General
From Success to Signýficance
In less than three weeks I am going to be launching my Signýficant Living Webinar, and I am SOOO excited.
This has been a long time coming. Both me putting my work into this kind of format so that it is available more easily for more people, and (maybe more importantly) gathering the key learning of this life (so far), and translating it into elements that can apply more broadly to those I work with, those wanting to define life on their terms and create a life worthy of them, and what is really important to them.
It hasn’t been easy (which is ironic, as one of the elements of Signýficant Living is, in fact, EASE). Mostly because I have been resisting what was so blatantly in front of me. But in finally getting out of my own way, in fully living the principles that I will be, at long last, presenting in this framework, it is like the sky has parted. Read More >>>
Rest Stop #3: Spain
For the next leg of my trip, I decided to go to Seville because my friend, Joanne, was living there. Probably the biggest highlight of this portion of my trip was that this was a new experience for me. I had never been to Spain, which just seems CRAZY to me because it’s right there and it’s FANTASTIC!
Here are some more of my highlights and lessons learned from Seville, Spain:Read More >>>
Rest Stop #2: France
Ok, let’s be honest. France wasn’t really a rest stop. But it was the catalyst for my month of exploration and rejuvenation, because I was asked to give a keynote for Capgemini. And of course I said yes!
The location and the event space itself was beautiful. And it’s only one of the things that blew me away about Capgemini … that they’ve created this amazing learning space for people. Talk about a commitment to doing things differently and calling people forth to the next level of leadership! I felt very privileged and honoured to be invited to do this speech and to get to speak to their high-potential leaders.
Rest Stop #1: Iceland
Some of you may know that I recently took a break to travel to Europe. Since my Dad passed away last year I’ve had a really difficult time working my way through my grief. One of the goals I set after he died was to travel more. And I realized that it’s been about 10 years or more since I really took a proper rest. Needless to say I was SO excited when my work presented an opportunity for me to travel to France and deliver a keynote session for Capgemini.
Of course I had to say yes! And I had to make the most of the opportunity. So I blocked off my calendar for an entire month (yes, really!), left my laptop at home (GASP!) and set off.
A Year in the Life of Grief
So it is one year to the day since my dad died. It’s been a hard year, in so many ways.
Partly (duh?) the grief. The heartrending missing of someone who was (is) so important to me. Oh the number of moments this year, especially early on, when I wanted to reach out and talk to him about:
- some detail of life (like my cat’s silly antics, or that the cherry blossoms were out already)
- some big news story (the triple crown winner, the Queen’s prof who got a Nobel Prize, the results of the national election all come to mind)
- something that we had shared before so many times (a phone call blow by blow conversation about the election)
- his advice on something (where to go when in Scotland, how to deal with stroppy tradesmen, what to do with conflicting work priorities)
And each one of those moments, leading to an outpouring of tears. Let’s face it, standing at his gravestone, asking, but not getting answers the way I can understand them … just doesn’t cut it.Read More >>>
The Darkest Time of the Year
When I think about Yule, the first thing that comes to mind is “oh dear God it’s the shortest day of the year!” and I have a mini panic attack. But when I come back from that, I’m reminded that this is a high Pagan holiday, and in case you weren’t aware of it, I’m quite the witch. So here’s the thing I love about Yule …
The Trouble with Grief …
…is that it is inconsistent, unpredictable and sneaky. It’s like just when you feel safely over it, like things are finally starting to return to normal, then BAM, it jumps out from behind a tree and grabs you by the throat. And when I say you, I mean me.
In Honour of Remembrance Day
“They gave their tomorrow’s for our today’s.” This is an epitaph inscription I saw in Inverness, Scotland in the summer of 1989, and it has stayed with me ever since because of it’s clarity and depth.
When I think of Remembrance Day, I am (and always have been) moved to tears, which catches me off guard, because I’m not a strong supporter of war, and so it feels funny to connect so strongly with a day that is all about remembering the people that lost their lives at war. Read More >>>
10 Reasons to Take the Week Off
I’ve been spending a lot of time in time-off mode lately. And I’ve got to let you in on a little secret… it’s pretty freaking fantastic! Not only do I get to lounge about in my PJ’s all day if I want to, I am finally able to do some much needed thinking, reflecting and rejuvenating. So, here are 10 reasons why you should take a week off, soon!
- September is just around the corner and we all know how crazy that can get. This is the last week of summer; you might as well enjoy it!
- Spend some time in nature. Enjoy the beauty that Mother Nature has created before the dark months of winter creep in.
- Take time to get together with dear friends. We all know once the school year sets in again, friends are going to be far too busy taxiing kids from here to there.
- Savour romantic time with your partner.
- Bask in a bit of self-care. Get a massage, go for a swim, or make the kind of dinner that makes you happy (not everybody else).
- It’s the exhale. We can’t just stay in busy mode all the time. (That would be hyperventilating…) We need to have a balance between the inhales and the exhales.
- Explore that new restaurant/café/ shop/neighbourhood/beach that has been on your list for ages but you’ve still never made it to.
- Get creative. Take on some DIY, drop in to the pottery studio or sit alone colouring. Important thing is to get those juices flowing!
- Sleep. I can guarantee you probably need it.
- You work hard all year long. Stop guilting yourself out of time off. Take it and just enjoy it!
Our gas tanks need a chance to refuel. Allow your mind, body and spirit that chance.
Rest and rejuvenation will look different for different people so some of this is an exercise in figuring out what it looks like for you. Once you’ve done that, it’s so much easier to start to create rituals around it that will last the whole year.
Okay over to you:
When’s the last time you took a week off? What are some of your favourite relaxation activities? I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment below.