Are you sick and tired of struggling to make a bigger impact in your career?
Do you want to accomplish more in less time or achieve greater success and recognition?
I’ve got exciting news to share with you…Read More >>>
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Are you sick and tired of struggling to make a bigger impact in your career?
Do you want to accomplish more in less time or achieve greater success and recognition?
I’ve got exciting news to share with you…Read More >>>
There’s a piece where we all think how we should live our legacy is on the big stage, like Marthin Luther King, Jr. and Ghandi. But the reality is, it’s actually how you’re living day to day, the decisions you’re making every day, that lead up to who you’re being in the world, which then rolls up to your legacy.
Over the past month we’ve worked through understanding passion. We addressed the 3 Components of BEing a Passionate Person. You journaled your way through CHOOSING your passions. The last step? LIVE your passion. (Read more on my Signýficant Living framework here, here and here.)
The reality is that most of us have at least one passion that we’ve been hiding from the world. What I’m pushing you towards today is to take the tough step of revealing and really, truly celebrating your passions now; even the ones that you’re a little bit shy about, or dare I say it, ashamed of.
Hopefully through the journaling you did last week you were able to discover what that passion is. Maybe you’re a closet Trekkie and you’ve had a lifelong dream of attending a conference full of other Trekkies just like you. Or maybe you’ve got a grand vision for starting an NGO, but the overwhelming mountainous size of the task has prevented you from admitting this dream to others.
Think through these questions (use this journal guide to help):Read More >>>
We, as the successful super-achievers that we are, have a tendency to take on a lot. We say “yes” at work, we say “sure” at home and we get excited by every new book or hobby that crosses our paths. We just don’t want to turn stuff down. Reality check: we can’t do it all!
To live Fully Alive, you have to choose your passions.
Some passions need to be culled. Maybe they aren’t relevant for you right now. Maybe they’re wasting too much of your energy. Maybe they aren’t helping to drive you in the direction you are trying to go. A passion list will fluctuate as you go through life, situations change, and priorities change. It’s important to take time and figure out which ones are right for you, now. (Yup, there’s that word again!)
Which ones to cull? (I once had a slip of the tongue and said ‘kill’ instead of ‘cull’ I liked it, and it’s kind of stuck! Use the word that works best for you). As I said, your passions will change with time, but the best strategy for choosing which passions are true for you now is to break down the process a little more. Think of it as three steps:
I’ve found that it really helps to put pen to paper when working through a process like this. So download this journal sheet and print off a copy to guide you.
These 10 critical questions should really help you with culling/killing your passion list:Read More >>>
Last week, I jammed on how passion is more than just the domain of lovers. A passionate person shows passion so many other ways though! Passion is the juice that has us be alive and it should be something that is invited into our lives every single day.
One of the key facets of being passionate is being in the right relationship with yourself and honouring who you are now. Not an easy thing to consistently do, so I’ve broken it down into three components to help you out. (I’d call them steps, but really there’s no order to them, they can all be done at once if you wanted!)
Passion is one of those words we hear a lot this time of year. It gets wrapped up with all of those Valentine-y things like: a dozen roses, a box of chocolates, date nights, sexual desire, romance and love. As in romantic love. Now don’t get me wrong, a huge part of romantic love is passion, but what I’m saying is that passion is something bigger, something not simply reserved for couples or Valentine’s Day. Passion is for all of us, always.
Passion is that inexplicable fire that drives us. It is the thing that gets us to put all of our energy into a task. It is what guides us in our decision-making. It is what pushes us to our purpose. It is both a key ingredient and a key outcome of fully alive.
Passion is the juice that has us be fully alive and it should be something that is invited into our lives daily!
Do you have an internal or external focus? Lean towards relational or strategic skills? Complete 26 situational questions and discover where your leadership falls on the Femasculine continuum, and what it means for the people you lead, and your business.