What’s the difference you want to make in the world? It’s time you find your stand!
Category Archives: Step Into Greatness
Failure… let’s get over it!
You’ll hear a big ‘sigh’ from me in today’s #StepintoGreatness video.
I’m going deep… talking about my biggest failure area.
Hope you enjoy it!
Obstacles – what are you doing about them?
Obstacles… those pesky things that get between us and our dreams!
In today’s #StepIntoGreatness video, I share what my two biggest obstacles are and what I’m doing about them!
Staying Focused… Are You Doing It?
Staying Focused… are you doing it?
Lets go back to the basics, ask yourself…
- Do I have a clear sense of my vision?
- What direction am I going in?
- What is my dream?
It’s time to get naked!
Time to get naked!
Have you been hiding your naked truth? Well, it’s time to reveal your true self!
It’s time to BYOB…
It’s time to BYOB… bring your own buddy!
It’s that person who supports you, cares for you, and loves you… and most of all this person will keep your feet to the fire and be willing to let you know when you’re off track.
So, who is your buddy? What impact has a buddy had on your life?
Happy New Year… #StepIntoGreatness style
What are your New Years resolutions? I challenge you to hold your resolutions as intentions (rather than burdens)… this way there is more opportunity to be generous and kind to yourself.
So, what are you intending for yourself this New Year?
#StepIntoGreatness – Cross over the Edge
So often we are afraid to do what it really takes. Crossing over the edge feels like such a threat to all that we are and all that we know. But it is what is on the other side of the edge, the usually self-imposed edge, that is what we really long for: the contribution we want to make, the fulfilling life, the biggest dream. If we aren’t willing to risk, we are unlikely to create what we want in life.
The time is now. Do something, anything, just try it. That risk you take might change everything.
#StepIntoGreatness – Take Radical Action
So often, so many of us, are waiting for our “real” lives to start.
Here’s the thing, when our lives start is up to us. We need to do something about our dreams, we need to commit to taking action. To create significant change in our lives, the action needs to be radical.
It might not be easy, but it is the right thing to do. So get into action… starting NOW.
#StepIntoGreatness – Create Your Roadmap
Today’s #StepIntoGreatness is about creating your roadmap!
Like with any successful journey, we need to have an idea of how to start moving toward the destination, or in this case the dream! In order for us to recognize the path to our dreams, we need to have clear markers along the way.
YOU are the one who gets to decide what those markers are, and how you want to celebrate achieving them.
I wanted to get this out yesterday, but technical difficulties coupled with challenging travel plans have waylaid my best intentions… so here, for your viewing entertainment (and progress along the journey of stepping into your greatness), is this week’s video – on Wednesday.