Life is too short, and too precious to waste. You and your dreams are too important to take a back seat.
The time to change is now. Not tomorrow, not when you lose weight, not when you leave the soul-sucking job, but NOW.
This is where I come in. I will propel you to create your best self and best life. I will wake you up to your purpose, and keep you focused on making the difference you want to make.
Why, you might ask, do I care that much?
Because your life matters that much!
Who am I to tell you what to do?
Over a decade ago, the big C stripped me of my youthful arrogance that nothing bad could touch me; I lost my hair, I (temporarily) lost my centre, and I had to let go of my dream of ever bearing my own child. But I refused to quit. I refused to give up. Instead, I kicked cancer’s ass and chose to live as fully as possible.
It changed me. Now this is the stand I take in the world. For me and my life.
And for you and your life.
Wanna hear more about that journey?
So, what does this mean for you?
I fought hard to keep my life, and now I put that prize-fighting champion in your corner.
What you will always get from me, no matter if I am speaking at an event, coaching you directly or firing inspiration into your inbox, is:
- the real, vulnerable truth
- laughter provoking insights
- a call to take action
- inspiration focused on making it happen
- motivation to do what it takes
Bottom line: I am fierce, electrifying fun. And aren’t you ready for that?
I do what it takes to get you into significant action, because if we only have this one life, I will not tolerate you squandering it.
Which may not mean what you think. I will not demand that you work harder, faster, longer, but rather that you work smarter. I will show you how to choose what is actually important to you, what really has value, and then how to do it with your whole heart. Then, how to let the other stuff go. That’s right – say NO to things. Even the good stuff, when it gets in the way of what you are really here to do.
We don’t all get second chances… so why not make the first one count?