We, as the successful super-achievers that we are, have a tendency to take on a lot. We say “yes” at work, we say “sure” at home and we get excited by every new book or hobby that crosses our paths. We just don’t want to turn stuff down. Reality check: we can’t do it all!
To live Fully Alive, you have to choose your passions.
Some passions need to be culled. Maybe they aren’t relevant for you right now. Maybe they’re wasting too much of your energy. Maybe they aren’t helping to drive you in the direction you are trying to go. A passion list will fluctuate as you go through life, situations change, and priorities change. It’s important to take time and figure out which ones are right for you, now. (Yup, there’s that word again!)
Which ones to cull? (I once had a slip of the tongue and said ‘kill’ instead of ‘cull’ I liked it, and it’s kind of stuck! Use the word that works best for you). As I said, your passions will change with time, but the best strategy for choosing which passions are true for you now is to break down the process a little more. Think of it as three steps:
- List your passions
- Cull your list
- Prioritize your remaining passions
I’ve found that it really helps to put pen to paper when working through a process like this. So download this journal sheet and print off a copy to guide you.
These 10 critical questions should really help you with culling/killing your passion list:
- Which excites you the most?
- Which would take you furthest, fastest?
- Which would help you live into your biggest self or dream?
- Which supports you in who you’re becoming?
- Which will have the most impact?
- Which ones overlap with the passions of your family and friends?
- Which one have you been procrastinating on?
- Which one would be the most fun for you?
- Which ones are easiest?
- Which ones are most sustainable?
Once your list is smaller, pick the ones to prioritize. Select two short-term priorities (1 week-5 months) and two long-term priorities (6 months-18 months). Prioritizing and focusing your passion will go a long way to living a fully, rich and meaningful life! And who can’t get passionate about that?
Okay over to you:
Have you felt bogged down by your passions? What is worthy of your passion? What has the process of culling/killing your passions or opened up for you? I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment below.
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