Off-roading. It’s nothing new. Except when you do it the way I do it. Not with Jeeps and mountain equipment, bringing along supplies just in case you get caught in the back woods, and certainly not the way Mark Taylor did it. No I am talking about an off-roading of the heart, of taking the same principles we bring to driving off of the beaten path to see what adventures lies around the corner – into all of our life, and all of those life decisions we all have to make, day after day, both big and small.
Off roading is about finding your own way. The way that works for you. And, if need be, creating your own path, your own direction, one the suits you, and honours all of who you are. When we try to be someone else, or be like someone else, or live the life that is important or easy for them, we abandon our own gifts, and our own unique contribution. That isn’t just a loss for us, but a loss for the world.
And it isn’t just a one off decision. A turn we take in the road. But rather it is an ongoing choice. One where we keep choosing the thing that might feel radical on some level or to some people, but we know really keeps us connected to our truth, and what is really important and meaningful to us. At least once a day we are offered up the option to go down the safe path or to renew our commitment to our fulfilling life. To make our dreams real, to live up to all of our potential – we need to choose it every day, we need to take radical action every day. In other words – we need to be daily radicals. For the sake of our own freedom.
You might ask, is it worth it? To give up comfort, and safety, and fitting in. For a life with adventure but also uncertainty. Well in light of recent events in my life you know I am going to say, not just yes, but YES! Every day these days I wake up grateful, excited, joyous and oh so very alive. I can see the direct line to manifesting my vision and my contribution to the world, and I know I am on the path to getting there. That is worth more than any money, or any security. And in it I see an undeniable truth: the real investment needs to be in ourselves. Time, money, energy. If we don’t make deposits now, it wouldn’t compound, and when it comes time to reap the rewards there will be little in the bank.
As Howard Thurman so aptly put it: “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who are alive.” We all want it, this feeling alive, this being FULLY alive. And we all have the chance to go after it.
So, will you give yourself excuses to wait until tomorrow, or will you start investing in yourself NOW?