Today is my day. My cancer free day. So no, it’s not that I am declaring it International Cancer Free Day (although it does have a ring to it, doesn’t it?). But I am reminded and inspired. May 16th. It will be forever seared into my memory. I am celebrating my 12 years clean of cancer (for some reason they mark it on the day of surgery, and don’t consider all of those pesky other things like, I don’t know, chemotherapy and radiation that often follow). Pretty good hey?!
As you must by now know, I am big on marking special days, and honouring transitions and, of course, celebrating. For a number of reason I am, if it is possible, even more appreciative this year to be alive. Partly because I am stepping out more fully into my real, big life and partly because I am reminded how fragile life is, and partly because I have friends going through the cancer journey themselves right now and I remember what a hard fight it is (sending you love every day, and an extra dose today!).
Regardless the reasons I am feeling elated, and at the same time soberly and reflectively grateful. If we just have one precious life, or if we are cruising through a number of them racking up our lessons, or something else – I am so glad to be here, walking this earth, hanging with these people and making this difference.
Bottom line:
Thanks for sharing with us so openly. Reading your blogs always ‘hits home’ in some way. Today, I needed an extra dose of ‘cancer support’ as my white blood count was too low for chemo and I didn’t get the scan results I have been waiting for…I have to wait another week to find out.
Reading you made me feel grateful again for feeling so good and just for still being alive and beating the statistics…for now. Being stubborn does have its benefits! 🙂
I will print and post on my ‘vision/inspiration/reminder/dream board’ your quote ”Life is precious. You are precious. Please act accordingly!!!”
Never stop celebrating what is important in your life and dive into your ‘real, big life’, you inspire in a special and real way with your daring willingness to put it out there.
Merci la belle Signy!
Thank YOU for still being here, for your fighting spirit and your stubborn-ness. I celebrate you!!
Dear Signy,
Thank you for such an inspiring message and huge congratulations for reaching such an important milestone. Your cup is brimming with a zest and appreciation for life and all that is good in the world. Enjoy your special day!
Barbara, I did, and am settling into the what’s next with excitement.
Hi Signy, I sooooo resonate with your words that LIFE IS PRECIOUS. On May 21st (just 4 days from now), I will celebrate my own Cancer Free Day – 10 years and counting. In fact, I am hosting a Staying Alive party (hear the Bee Gees in the background?) and a friend is making me a “birthday” cake with 10 candles to represent this gift of years. There is nothing like cancer to make one wake up and take notice of life, and the fight – through surgery, chemo and radiation – to make one know how very strong we are. And, fortunate. I, too, have lost friends and loved ones to this disease, and I know that my being alive today is, in part, luck – to have caught the cancer early enough to beat it. And, I remain vigilant to it raising its ugly head again. in between being vigilant, and often scared, I try hard to “act accordingly” as you, Signy prescribe. I keep trying. Today, as I head towards May 21st – my 10 year milestone – I have taken the day off from work, and heading to an island for a solo overnight retreat with a book (Awakening Joy) and a journal AND no laptop. I will think about you, Signy, and my other survivor-warrior heroines, and feel the love and the bravery of your company in my soul. Thank you, Signy, for being the fiery inspiration that you are.
Today, today, today is your birthday!!!!!
Lori Congratulations on 10 years. Such an exciting milestone and yes “staying alive”, Bee Gees and all, is very much your theme song!
You won’t be able to read this today, as you will be on sacred retreat with your own soul, but I trust you will feel my love!!
25 years for me! Life before cancer was intense and serious. Had to prove myself – young executive trying to fit in with the Big Boys at the OHA. After cancer, I was a new person – happy, grateful and full of renewed life. I remember one of the VPs telling me what a lovely smile I had, saying “You know? You never used to smile before and now you are smiling and laughing all the time. It’s great to see.” And that’s when it twigged – LIGHTEN UP everyone! Life is a joy, and should really not be taken that seriously. xxoooo. Cheryl