I know it happens once a year and all, but still, I get very excited. Each and every year on July 29. And it never gets old, even as I get older. So yes… Today. Today. Today is my birthday!!
Celebration – I am a big fan. I don’t think we do it enough, ever. We get so busy with the “what’s next”, with the trajectory and the treadmill. We skip the moment. And we especially skip celebration. Imagine how the world would be different if we all took the time to see what was great and say so, to enjoy things as they happened and to really bask in our own joys and successes (see in my world living another year is a success)! Ahh it almost boggles the mind. And yet what a difference it would make. Picture children raised in a world like that. And by that I don’t mean our current world where they are all told they are special but treated exactly the same way, that is some kind of weird perversion that is creating a tidal wave of entitlement and assumption. I am talking about where we see what is unique and special about a person and honour it, really honour it and celebrate it.
So there it is, I am a big fan of celebration. Especially when it comes to my birthday (your birthday too, by the way – but it is easier for me to remember my birthday).
And it is not that it needs to be fancy, or complicated. But I do need to feel special. That’s my thing. Special. I need a bit of a fuss made over me, oh who’s kidding who, I need a lot of fuss made over me, as much fuss as you can muster, all day long. Bonus points if it spills out over my birthday, to before and after the day. That is the core of it for me, because for the rest of days a year I try really hard (and I know I am not always as successful as I think I am) to make it not about me.
So on this day (or week or month or Leo season) I take off the reins and let my self-love run wild, frolic in the fields and generally do what it wants. It’s a good feeling. It is about saying “I am worthy, I deserve love, and to be honoured and celebrated and appreciated and valued!” Again – it is worth saying I think we all deserve this, and for some reason we don’t let ourselves have it, we don’t ask for it, we don’t do it ourselves for ourselves. I don’t get that part – because if it isn’t something we do for ourselves how is there any room at all for others to do it for us. People can only go as far as we will let them.
So yes, I am a stand for celebrations, and birthdays. HUGE. And, as in so many other areas of my life, I believe in leading by example – so here I am, celebrating myself, asking for my desires, expressing me, and letting myself have a little selfishness. So here is my request – make a bit of a fuss over me, a note, a phone call, a little “Hey Signy – today is your special day, and that is worth celebrating!”
And the question for the day: What are you celebrating today?
Happy Birthday Signy!!! Hope you have a fantabulous day celebrating yourself!!!!
Signy! Happy Birthday!! I hope you’re still celebrating – why not make it a week-long Signy birthday celebration? One day is not enough.
Thanks for the lovin’ ladies!!