What’s the difference you want to make in the world? It’s time you find your stand!
Signý Unleashed
Daily Prayer and Meditation
So, on a whim, and because I believe in accountability and because I love my clients… on June 2nd one of my clients and I committed to each other that we would pray and meditate every day in June.
Choose Fully Alive
Obviously it has been many years since I had my cancer surgery (in fact, as of today… officially 13 years clean of cancer!! YAY!), and y’all know how much I love celebrating anniversary. But this year something feels a bit different. It feels like it is and should be a day that is not just for me, but actually for everyone. Let me explain.
Choose the Change
Inside Out Signyficance
… it comes from being in right relationship with yourself. Here’s how:
Choose the Change
It’s time to Choose the Change. What will you choose?
How will you integrate?
This week I’ve got a special surprise for you… two worksheets!
The first worksheet is all around integration. The second worksheet is about structure. Go ahead, download both worksheets and complete them to the degree that feels comfortable to you.
Courageous Conversations
If you want your important conversations to have impact, you need to come from your heart.
Failure… let’s get over it!
You’ll hear a big ‘sigh’ from me in today’s #StepintoGreatness video.
I’m going deep… talking about my biggest failure area.
Hope you enjoy it!
Obstacles – what are you doing about them?
Obstacles… those pesky things that get between us and our dreams!
In today’s #StepIntoGreatness video, I share what my two biggest obstacles are and what I’m doing about them!